

According to a study conducted by Peppers & Rogers, a consulting firm that specializes in maximizing the value of customer relationships, the “customer experience” has emerged as the single most important aspect in achieving success for businesses across all industries.  A 2009 study of over 860 corporate executives revealed that companies that have invested in enhancing the “customer experience” over the past three years report higher customer referral rates and customer satisfaction.

What defines the “customer experience”?

A company’s ability to deliver an experience that sets it apart in the eyes of its customers and serves to increase their spending with the company and optimally, inspires loyalty to its brand.

How important is managing the time your customers spend on-hold?

Does placing callers on-hold, only to have them listening to “dead silence” or outdated information about your company, promote a positive “customer experience”?  No!  

Why on-hold marketing messages are the right option.

USA  Business Telephone Today survey sampled 30,000 callers and divided them into three groups of 10,000.  Each group would hear one form of on-hold entertainment:  Silence – Music – On-Hold Marketing Messages (mixed with music).


  • Silence:  52% terminated the call inside of one minute.
  • Music:  13% dropped the call inside of one minute.
  • On-Hold Marketing Messages:  Only 2% terminated the call inside of one minute.

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